
urbansafetysolutions.com Urban Safety Solutions Personal Security Alarm Kit | Urban Safety …

What are the best self-defense tools for female college students? Below, we’re going to identify the best and most effective weapons and tactics you can use …


urbansafetysolutions.com Urban Safety Solutions Personal Safety Alarm Kit | Urban Safety …

Stun Gun. Stun guns have increased in popularity among college-going women as the go-to self-defense tool with effective stopping power. It is …


urbansafetysolutions.com AirBNB Safety Tips and Door Wedge Alarm | Urban Safety Solutions

Always tell someone where you’re going and check in every day or two while on vacation. Stay calm. Many people will freak out when they’re vacationing alone, …


urbansafetysolutions.com Law and Restrictions | Urban Safety Solutions

Under the CCW (Carrying Concealed Weapons) laws, the prohibition against possessing or going armed with an electric weapon does not apply to any of the …
